Higher Self
Your higher self is the truest expression of who you are meant to be. When aligned with your higher self, you are in service to yourself and others.
Journaling Tips
Journaling provides a wealth of expansion, growth, + wisdom. Some of my most significant lessons have come from journaling - read more to find uncover my tip tips.
My Top Ten Healthy Lifestyle Habits
I'm excited to share with you the top ten healthy lifestyle habits that have added all the high vibes to my life.
My Go To Supplements
I'm excited to share my favourite supplements and what have become my go-to for getting the glow - inside + outside.
Burnout is NOT a Vibe
Yoga teaches us about awareness + connection with our mind + body. And with this awareness, I've recognised this Yang energy has been leading me toward burnout - not a vibe.
Ishvara Pranidhana: The Journey of Surrender
Ishvara Pranidhana can teach us to surrender to the things that are outside of our control, whilst leaning into something bigger than ourselves.
Svadhyaya: The Power of Self-Reflection
Practicing svadhyaya gives us the opportunity to grow + tap into expansion in our own lives, enriching those around us as a result.
Tapas: Inner Fire + Strength
Tapas represents the embodiment of discipline, determination, commitment, and perseverance as we navigate through challenges and obstacles.
Santosha: Connect with Contentment
Santosha is the practice of contentment. In a modern world, we’re so driven by the next best thing that we forget to count our current blessings. It’s okay to desire more, but can we do so from a place of gratitude?
Saucha: Clear + Cleanse
One of the lovely Inspired Club members said she felt like saucha was an internal + external spring clean. I love that!
Yoga at Home Tips
Open yourself up to receiving the magic of a truly transformative practice with these top tips.
Aparigraha: How to Let Go
Letting go encourage us to enter a sense of flow and release, rather than accumulation, resistance, + gripping.
Brahmacharaya: Your Energy, Your Responsibility
Access to your time + energy is a privilege - learn how to protect it.
Asteya: The Practice of Non-Stealing
Asteya translates to non-stealing + yes, it’s the practice of non-stealing things physically BUT it’s SO much more than that.
Satya: Step into Your Truth
Practicing satya personally is liberating, empowering, + in alignment with all the high vibrations that bring us joy, fulfillment – basically all the things that help us live our #bestlife.
Ahimsa: Love over Fear
Explore how ahimsa helps guide you to live a life of love, rather than fear.
Yamas + Niyamas: Yoga Inspired Lifestyle
Oh my, this is my absolute favorite aspect of the yoga practice! When I first discovered the yamas + niyamas during my Yoga Teacher Training, it felt like I had stumbled upon the missing piece I had been yearning for all my life, even though I hadn't actively sought it out!
8 Limbs of Yoga
Yoga is thousands of years old + the birth of yoga originally comes from the Vedas (ancient Hindu scriptures), which date back between 4,000 to 5,000 years.