My Top Ten Healthy Lifestyle Habits

I'm excited to share with you the top ten healthy lifestyle habits that have added all the high vibes to my life.

Your life is your beautiful responsibility — you get to choose how you live it and how you show up.

So let's dive in and discover the magic that lies in cultivating, creating, and embodying a holistic, healthy, and vibrant lifestyle.

Meditation: A Sanctuary for the Mind

I've truly fallen in love with my meditation practice. Meditation offers us the opportunity to get calm, find stillness in the chaos, receive guidance, connect with our wisdom, seek perspective, and help set the tone for a day filled with clarity and calm. I start my day with meditation, snuggled up in bed with my morning coffee. Want to add meditation into your day? I’ve got you covered over on the Inspired Club.

Journaling: Reflect + Reveal

Journaling means many different things for me, and it can for you too! I use my journal to reflect, practice gratitude, reveal lessons, consider perspectives, get inspired, visualise, and free-write. Journaling is a cathartic experience that allows you to reflect, release, and capture your journey, dreams, and aspirations. I love using my Inspired Stories journal (use CAROLINEINSPIRED for a discount)

Workouts: Feel Good

I joined David Lloyd’s gym at the end of 2022, and I LOVE it. I love the environment, the energy, and I feel GOOD. Life is about feeling good, and taking care of my body helps me with this. I particularly love doing classes. I love to mix it up and do 2-3 HIIT classes a week, such as Blaze and Rhythm; Pilates 1-2 times a week; and I recently discovered a dance class which was a total vibe - I walked in and they were playing Spice Girls. If that’s not a sign I’m in the right place, I don’t know what is.

Walks in Nature: Fresh Air for the Soul

I love my daily walks with Bert (my little pug). Stepping outside and reconnecting with the natural world has a rejuvenating effect, providing a perfect blend of physical activity and mental refreshment. The sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors invigorate your soul, and I always feel it brings a fresh perspective. I love listening to a podcast or audiobook when I’m on my walks; other times, I like to listen to music or just be in silence.

Affirmations: High Vibes Only

Words are powerful. Words can create limiting beliefs and keep us in a state of lack/fear; OR words can move us into an energy of abundance and love. I have my own personal affirmations that I use daily to keep my vibrations high or as a way to return to love when I’ve wandered into fear. While I like to surround myself with positive affirmations, quotes, and mantras daily, I have a small ‘bank’ of affirmations that I recite daily. Want daily guidance? The Inspired Club is all about affirmations, quotes, and high-vibe words. Bye-bye limiting beliefs!

Yoga Asana: Body Mind Connection

Asana is the physical practice of yoga, our time on the mat. For years I’ve always practiced asana in the morning, anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. However, just recently I’m trying to make an intentional effort to go to classes and be guided (it’s so nice to be guided through a practice as a yoga teacher!). Why? Well, rather than focusing on quantity, my intention is to focus on quality and the quality of adding more slowness and mindfulness into my life. Classes are usually 60 minutes, and it means I’m being more intentional with my time and making a commitment and promise to myself to slow down. One isn’t better than the other. It’s about being flexible not on the mat, but in our lives and flowing with what serves us in the moment. Practice with me for a class virtually on the Inspired Club or at my studio.

Spiritual Practice: Nourishing the Soul

My spiritual practice has really deepened this last year. I’ve welcomed in a connection to my higher power; for me, that’s the universe. I feel supported in knowing the universe has my back; that we’re co-creating; that I’m being guided; that the universe is always responding to my energy. Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, carving out time for a spiritual practice can provide a sense of purpose and connection. It could be prayer, meditation, or moments of gratitude - whatever resonates with your soul.

Nutrition: Flow from the Inspired Out

Eat like you love yourself! Nourish your body with vibrant, colorful foods that make you feel alive. Healthy eating isn't a punishment; it's a celebration of your body's potential to shine from the inside out. I love using brands like Free Soul, and I’m always inspired by my dear friend Toni (Feed Me Momma), who not only inspires me to think about creating delicious nourishing meals but also the presentation of food. I love taking the time to present my food to make it look pretty. When I do this, I take the time to be appreciative and grateful, helping me to be in an abundant energy rather than one that is rushing around. It's a lovely little (but powerful!) ritual!

Reading: Expand Your World

I love reading. I read in the morning + in the evening. I love to start my day with a self-development book and finish the day getting lost in a novel. I like to think of it as the yin and yang of reading, taking me on a journey of self-discovery, knowledge, and imagination.

Slowness: Beauty Sleep for the Soul

After my spell of burnout, one of my intentions was to put the cycle of burnout to sleep - once and for all. And so I’m more intentional with how I’m showing up in my life - personal and professional. In a society that often glorifies busyness, I’m aligning my actions with my beliefs. In stillness, we receive: physical and mental rejuvenation; clarity; balance; harmonious flow with life; inspiration; guidance; and so much more. And so this healthy habit doesn’t just show up in my day with a bedtime routine and early bed; but by creating space and stillness throughout the day. We can do less and attract more (one of my personal affirmations).


Journaling Tips


My Go To Supplements