Energetic Glow-Up

The start of a new year brings a fresh opportunity to reflect, release, + realign. It’s a moment to create a powerful energetic foundation for how we live, show up, + take action every day. This isn’t just about setting goals—it’s about cultivating an energy that fuels meaningful, lasting change.

In this month’s theme over on the Inspired Club, we’re focusing on the energy we bring into our lives. Energy holds immense power to create + shape our experiences, so being mindful + intentional about it is essential.

Let’s dive into how to overhaul what no longer serves, glow up our daily habits, + align with the energy of our highest selves.

Clearing What No Longer Serves

What feels misaligned or stuck in your life?
Take a moment to reflect on areas where the energy feels stagnant or low vibrational. Write down how this energy makes you feel. Often, these areas are where we’re no longer in alignment.

Affirm what you’re no longer available for.
Write down: “I’m no longer available for...” + fill in the blanks. This might include negative thought patterns, disorganisation, or habits that drain your energy.

Take action to clean up your energy.
Try journaling, reorganising a space, meditating, tapping, or letting go of something that no longer supports you. These practices help reset your energy + make space for what’s aligned.

Welcoming Vibrant Energy

What new habits, routines, or rituals would you like to invite in?
Reflect on how these changes would make you feel. Do they inspire, empower, or energise you?

Align your actions with this new energy.
Ideas might include:

  • Daily journaling or using a planner.

  • Elevating your living space with intentional design.

  • Practising affirmations or mantras.

  • Meditation, tapping, or mindful movement.

  • Nourishing your body with healthy choices.

Clear the Vibe: Make Letting Go a Practice

Releasing what doesn’t serve us isn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process. Consider engaging in practices like:

  • Talking with a trusted friend or professional.

  • Energy work such as acupuncture, reflexology, or tapping.

  • Movement practices like yoga or dance to release built-up energy.

Keep the Vibe: Embody Your Highest Self

Building on last year’s theme of “Higher Self,” ask yourself: How would my highest self show up each day? In moments of adversity, what energy would they bring?

Support your well-being with consistent practices that keep you refreshed, focused, + energetically nourished. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

The Energy You Bring to Everything

Your energetic alignment isn’t just about specific habits; it’s about the overarching energy you embody. Create powerful affirmations that align your energy with your identity:

  • “I’m someone who keeps their word.”

  • “I honour the promises I make to myself + others.”

  • “I set + respect boundaries.”

  • “I prioritise my well-being.”

Energetic Maximums + Minimums

We’re constantly evolving. Reflect on whether the energetic maximums + minimums you’ve set still align with your current self. Adjust them as needed. For instance, you might:

  • Increase the frequency of yoga sessions.

  • Commit to meditating daily.

  • Set a minimum of one self-care treatment per month + a maximum of two.

Living With This Energy

As we embrace this new year, let’s set clear intentions around the energy we cultivate. It’s not just about what we do but the energy behind it. By reflecting, releasing, + realigning, we can create an energetic foundation that supports us in living our best lives.

Start your energetic glow-up today. What energy will you choose to bring into this year?

Learn More

Learn more about practicing living a live a yoga-inspired life over on the Inspired Club.


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